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Lisa (Fic Talk)

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Caroselli's Christmas Baby (Harlequin Desire Series #2194)

Caroselli's Christmas Baby - Michelle Celmer My main problem with this story is the title. Caroselli's Christmas Baby suggests that there is a baby involved at some point of the story. At least that's the way I saw it. However, there was no baby just a lot of talk about one, making one, and making one with your best friend who you talked with and thought it would be a good idea to marry in order to have one and thus in turn receive millions of dollars from a sneaky - but nice - grandfather who wants his grandsons to find love. That was a serious run on sentence there. Anyway, overall, while the writing was pretty good and the characters fun and entertaining. The story itself was ridiculous. Also, that ending was so abrupt. It left me with a WTF look on my face. I know I had that look on my face because someone asked me what was wrong. That's how I know. I will say though that I may take a chance on the next book since I would like to know how things work out for the other guys in the family who the grandfather played.