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Lisa (Fic Talk)

Reader, reviewer & blogger.

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Sempre (Forever, #1)
J.M. Darhower
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Guilty! the Trials of Phil Ferguson

Guilty! the Trials of Phil Ferguson - Sean  Russell Read for The Cool Readings Book Club A solid 3 stars from me.I will admit that initially I was a little unenthusiastic about reading a novel by a local author - usually they only write historical fiction or non-fiction, which I'm not a big fan of - read: not a fan at all actually, that was just me putting it mildly.However, I must say that this piece of fiction was what I usually expect from an international author, not gonna lie. I was hugely proven wrong and I will admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the book and at many points did a little 'happy dance' in my head to finally see that a local author can write just as exciting and engaging books as the other guy.He took risks, he used language that may have shocked the irregular reader, but I certainly appreciated it. As an avid reader and reviewer, I applauded his forward and progressive way of thinking.And to end it all off, this was written by a male writer.I find is so unbelievably hard to find male authors that can really grab my attention and keep it.Sean Russell did this all.Captivating from the very beginning, dramatic, and so entertaining!Looking forward to the sequel.