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Lisa (Fic Talk)

Reader, reviewer & blogger.

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Sempre (Forever, #1)
J.M. Darhower
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Paul Blackwell

Just a Cowboy and His Baby

Just a Cowboy and His Baby - Carolyn Brown This was so lame. I'm so sorry that I wasted an entire day on this.Sometimes I judge a publishing house on the calibre of books that they put out, and this is why it has surprised me that a book at this writing level was published by Sourcebooks. It was actually rather shocking.I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings or jar them into a crying fit or something. I'm just being sincerely honest here and saying that I did not enjoy this at all. For me it all boils down to the writing. The storyline I could almost accept. Almost. The execution? Now that left a lot to be desired. It seemed pretty out there in terms of this stubborn, hard-headed cowgirl who hates - but thinks is hot - this cowboy, who is also her rival on the circuit, then BAM! They end up in bed together and then fall madly in love with each other. Then there is this mysterious POV that we got, like, twice, that is supposed to be life altering - and is - but it doesn't come across that way for the characters. It especially doesn't affect said cowgirl whose name I can't be bothered to remember at this point.Oh wait, it's Gemma. And he's Trace. All in all not a book I'd go around recommending. Not only due to this story, but the whole bunch of crazies that appear as secondary characters. An ARC of this title was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.